Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Birthday so Far or Why I'm Happy to be Twenty Three

woke up free of angst for the first time since last summer.

checked my email: inbox 1738

new text message from Eva in Ghana

put on Nina Simone, In the Morning

thirty eight new Facebook messages

breakfast: Roti Canai, onions and two eggs

watched some of a western on TV, the "Indians" were white guys with dark stuff on their faces

played the piano

cleaned the cat litter, fed Atilla

did a load of dark laundry in the bathtub, colour saving detergent

mom called to say the reservations is for six thirty at GUU, my favourite

put on my grandpa's wool shirt and walked through Victoria park

Bonnie Prince Billy, Ease Down the Road on the headphones for the first time since Will Oldham assaulted me

got Abra a Latte at Abruzzo and hung out at Magpie Magazine Gallery

complained to her about Ricepaper being hidden from view

she let me have the new Giant Robot and a Waxpoetics FOR FREE

at the people's Co Op bookstore I noticed a gorgeous magazine amidst all the anarchist zines

"holy shit," the new Ryerson Review of Journalism

two lesbian bike punks making out on the corner, I think I went to highschool with her

sat in Victoria park reading the Ryerson Review of Journalism, the sun finally came out

watched the old men play Bocci

two mexican kids smoked weed on the bench nearby

went home, put on Professor Longhair

wrote blog entry


Michael said...

Happy birthday Aaron

cdl said...

23, whut whut -- happy birthday dude. how many pumpkin balls did you eat.

M said...

I missed my Facebook birthday wishes oppurtunity. So i'll take it here, late. Happy birthday guy.